Agata Sliwowski

Life and Wellness Coach

Helping you channel your full potential

Hi! My name is Agata and I am a Life and Wellness Coach. I am a transformation facilitator. I got my wake up call and I redesigned my life. Now I know how to create new worlds.

My Story

In 2012 they told me I had breast cancer.
In 2012 I said to myself: wake up girl!

And as I did, I found myself in a transformation tube which, as I soon discovered, was operated by a mighty, no-nonsense, yet very creative force. My old habits, my beliefs, my whole world as I knew it, have been placed under scrutiny, exposed and offered for replacement. Everything that I considered familiar and safe ceased to exist. Unknown became my new familiar as the process of learning, personal development and growth began. I entered the path towards healing. I walked through chaos and fear. I learned that acceptance brings relief and peace. I raised my awareness and reached many places of Wisdom. And then, I saw LOVE. The fear lost the battle, I won a new life.

Most of the time, when I tell people that cancer saved my life, they give me strange, concerned looks. But sometimes, some people find the courage to believe me. These people are warriors. They are the ones whose Souls demand action from them so they take charge and  figure things out.

No, you do not need to have cancer to enter that path. I myself was too late to acknowledge that my Soul was screaming for help long before I answered my wake-up call. Waking up was hard and came with a price. You neither want nor need to receive such a call. All you need is that internal conviction, this intuitive desire for change in your life. If you got that, you probably are pretty ready to begin your own transformation. All you need to do is to tap into your potential, uncover your true self and create a life of your dreams. A life on your terms.

If you do however battle a scary disease or experience other life changing events, or if you survived something that makes you want to replace your current life with a life that has your signature all over, then know that I understand where you are coming from. I walked in your shoes and not only did I survive, I transformed my whole life too. I am not saying it was easy, pain free and fun all the way. But once I made an agreement with myself that I will go on that journey and allow the raft river carry me forward, something strange happened. I found my flow. From that point on, my cancer journey became almost magical. It was no longer about cancer. It became about me, about my Soul, my life purpose and my personal legend. Fear that accompanied me thus far disappeared suddenly. Excitement, curiosity and breath of fresh air joined me on my journey as my guides towards new life. Discovery became my daily routine and showered me with shiny aha moments. I was amazed by my potential, something I deep down knew I had, but somehow never really tapped into it. Until now. And this changed everything.

My experience was profound but even here, I still had two choices. I could submit and lose myself in it, I could give up my power and turn on the victim mode. Easy, effortless choice with horrible consequences although feeling kind of good on the surface. It would allow me to blame the outside world for everything that happened to me. I could be a victim at her best. And this, obviously, was tempting.

Or I could use that power to take charge of my life. Cancer or not, I could become a responsible adult who was going to face the challenge with strength and creativity. At first it seemed like an unusual choice, but once I made that choice and regained my own power, suddenly everything became possible.

I closed the old chapter and begun to shine like the brightest star. And this, my friends, felt beyond good. It felt fantastic. It turned me into a creator of my own life. A life on my own terms. I redesigned my life big times! I grew, I progressed, left the cocoon and spread the wings. For the first time ever I became my own person. I was born again from my full potential.

Now it is my time to give back to the community for all the blessings I received. Let me coach you. Let me be your shift facilitator. I’ve been there, I’ve done that and I know for sure that you’ve got all it takes to shine brightly.

My Bio

I was born and raised in Poland. This is also where I got my law degree and was a Judge, before in 2006 I made a first step towards big change. I moved to the United States leaving behind my life as I knew it, and threw myself into a new reality with great hopes and excitement. It felt great for a moment but then I lost my motivation.

In 2010 my husband and I moved to California. Under the blue sky, surrounded by palm trees and hummingbirds, we felt great again for a moment. Then 2012 came and I got my cancer diagnosis. Big change. Not the kind I would normally ask for or choose, but this is what I got. It took me a while but eventually I understood that this was my blessing in disguise.

Since 2013 I have been on an ongoing journey towards growth. I have been learning, growing and transforming. I discovered my life purpose which became my joy. I studied and became a Life and Wellness Coach. I got my Certification and now I am fully ready to serve.

I have always been mentoring and supporting my friends, offering and sharing my knowledge and experiences. Life coaching has always been a part of me. I integrated this skill a long time ago. I have always been a Life and Wellness Coach. Now I am also certified.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Redesign Your Life Now!

12 + 14 =