Life Coaching Services

Life and Wellness

1 on 1 coaching with Agata Sliwowski

Helping You Find Success With Personalized Coaching

Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?

Life coaching may be your answer. And partnering with a life coach in a thought provoking and creative process in order to maximize personal and professional potential, may be the best commitment you will ever make. It is a fun, inspiring and eye-opening experience, combined with learning and progress. The best part of it… you are the Boss!

What Is Life Coaching?

Click below to read more about Life and Wellness Coaching

“Let nothing hold you back from creating the life you’ve always wanted”

Life Coaching Quick Guide

In person or via Skype

All Life Coaching Sessions last 50 minutes whether in person, via Skype or on the phone. In my experience, vision supported communications are the most beneficial to clients.

Packages versus clients' unique agendas

Life and wellness coaching Packages are designed around a specific subject and focus on a specific set of goals. Frequently, clients come up with their unique agendas which they want to work on with a coach. Both approaches can be accommodated.

First Session - complimentary

First 50 minutes Session is complimentary and allows both the client and the coach to see if they are a fit. This is important since the partnership of the two will work best when they can create the most comfortable environment for having an open conversation.

Life Coaching Packages offered

Currently, there are four Life and Wellness Coaching Packages that clients can choose from:
– Your Life Your Terms
– Life After A Wake-Up Call
– Why Me? Coaching for Cancer Patients
– Plan & Act Like a “Pro”

Please check them out and see if you are ready to redesign your life.


Emotional Freedom

Design the Life You Want and Become Emotionally Free


True Meaning

Get Clarity, Uncover the Meaning and Follow the Calling


Coaching for Cancer Patients

Understand, Accept, Transform, Get Your Power Back and Return to Wellness


Be Done with Not-Doing

Stop procrastinating and become a "doer" a "go-getter", a man of action and a perfect planner

Coaching Session

A life coaching session is a 50 minutes “1 on 1” time with a coach. It can happen in person or via Skype. It is important that the coach can see the client since client’s  body language is equally important in a coaching conversation.

Each session starts with setting up of a session agenda. Once this is settled, the learn-be-do process begins, where the client explores, learns, and processes information about himself and his life. There is also time for finding solutions and action planning.

The role of a coach is that of a mirror. By asking curious questions and offering coaching tools, the coach facilitates the learning process, encourages the client and gives him or her all the support. The coach listens to the client with no judgment attached. The client is the “driver”. He or she is also an expert in his or her life and knows all the answers to all questions.

“First comes thought; then organization of that thought into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.”

Napoleon Hill

How It Works

Schedule a Free 1:1

First coaching session is complimentary. It is designed to help the client and the coach recognize their compatibility. It is also a real experience of life coaching. Have an Agenda ready so you can get the most out of your free session and see if coaching works for you.


Choose a Coaching Plan

The next step is to choose a Coaching Package and a Coaching Plan. You can either chose a Package that is offered or suggest your own Agenda of issues you want to work on. Once you know what it is you want to focus on, decide on a Plan. With the formalities behind you, you are now ready to start redesigining your life.

Reach Your Goals

This is where all the life coaching experience happens. You create a deeper awareness and design actions. You descover, learn and grow. You begin to shift. Your life reshapes. You gain deeper understanding, begin to feel change in real time and eventually, you reach your goals. This, my friends is magic!

6 Week Coaching Plan

- Six 50-minutes coaching sessions (in person or via Skype);
- Between sessions email and text message support;
- Accountability follow-ups throughout the process;
- Between sessions resource assistance;


More Details

This 6-Week Coaching Package includes 6 sessions of coaching via Skype or in person, and must be used in 2 months period. It offers between sessions email and text message support as well as accountability follow-ups which are a key component of a successful life coaching experience. In addition, assistance with identifying and locating best fitting resources is also provided. The after-session support is equally important as it strengthens and solidifies client's progress.

12 Week Coaching Plan

- Twelve 50-minutes coaching sessions (in person or via Skype);
- Between sessions email and text message support;
- Accountability follow-ups throughout the process;
- Between sessions resource assistance;


More Details

This 12 Week Coaching Package includes 12 weeks of coaching via Skype or in person, and must be used in 4 months period. It offers  between sessions email and text message support as well as accountability follow-ups which are a key component of a successful life coaching experience. In addition, assistance with identifying and locating best fitting resources is also provided. The after-session support is equally important as it strengthens and solidifies client's progress.

24 Week Coaching Plan

- Twenty-Four 50-minutes coaching sessions (in person or via Skype);
- Between sessions email and text message support;
- Accountability follow-ups throughout the process;
- Between sessions resource assistance;


More Details

This 24 Week Coaching Package includes 24 sessions of coaching via Skype or in person, and must be used in 8 months period. It offers between sessions email and text message support as well as accountability follow-ups which are a key component of a successful life coaching experience. In addition, assistance with identifying and locating best fitting resources is also provided. The after-session support is equally important as it strengthens and solidifies client's progress.

Still Have Questions?

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