Life After a Wake-Up Call
Follow Your CallingGet Clarity, Uncover the Meaning and Follow the Calling
Life After a Wake Up Call
True Meaning
If you have gone through a life changing event or are currently experiencing one, this Package will help you find the meaning of it all. It will help you gain clarity and understanding and inspire you to design and take action that will take you to another level. It will help you use your experience in a creative way so you will be able to transform it into a life of new quality. This is where redesigning your life brings the best results.
With this coaching Package you will:
- get clarity, build awareness, understand the need for change, evaluate your life and prepare for the Next Chapter
- accept your past and present, free yourself from attachment, reconnect with your potential and your creative source. You will begin to create;
- uncover the Meaning, your true calling, your reason you are here;
- get tools, create systems, learn new habits which will support you in your new life;
- wake up fully and live a meaningful, fulfilling and inspiring life;
- make PEACE with all that happened in your life and brought you to this point;
- You will transform into the best version of yourself and live a life based on your full potential;
Key questions
– Have you been going through change in Life?
– Have you been facing circumstances that turned your life upside down?
– Have your circumstances changed due to a life changing event?
– Do you feel there is more to life than what you have been currently experiencing?
– Are you ready to face your circumstances and uncover their true meaning?
– Are you ready to wake up to a New Life?
If your answer is “yes” to the above questions than this coaching Package can be your lifesaver. We receive wake up calls for a reason and when they do happen it is critical that we get things right.
Words of wisdom
“There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you’d better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you’ll never understand what it’s saying”
Sarah Dessen, Just Listen
Why this Package?
So you got a wake up call. You faced an event that shook you up. It literally opened your eyes and now you are here, staring at your life with your eyes widely opened. You know, because now you understand, that there is no going back to your old ways, patterns, your old life. Instead, transformation is your only way now. You have to say goodbye to the old world and start building your new world. Your instinct finally speaks to you in capital letters, and you are finally hearing and getting the message. The question that shows up on the horizon is: HOW?
Redesigning your life is a long process. It requires honesty and effort. You really do have to say goodbye to your old world. It serves you no more and parting ways with your old ways is a must. New ways, on the other hand can be very exciting and empowering. Yet to switch to them is not an easy trick. The old will fight for you like a lion. And the new is like a new-born baby… unarmed, weak and clumsy. It requires a lot of attention, care and hard work. But if you accept the challenge and be consistent, the benefits will exceed your expectations.
To live a life after a wake-up call you will have to decide what rules, beliefs and goals you will want to adopt. You will have to decide what kind of person you really are. You will be required to dig deep into your own Soul to search for answers to key questions on your life’s mission. You will also have to make some hard decision and break up with those old habits of convenience and people and things that disempower you. But above all, you will have to start taking responsibility for your own life. That means saying goodbye to the victim mentality and taking your power back.
Yes, there will be sweat and tears. But this is only natural. Life, after all, is born from pain. But if you pass through this first, painful phase, I promise you, the journey that is awaiting is unlike any other. Here, perhaps for the very first time ever, you will get a say on who you are and what life you want to live. You will be able to shape it to your dreams and desires. You will become YOU, the human who came to this Earth with a mission. You will find purpose, meaning and power. Something you were so deprived of in your old life. This is why wake-up calls happen… so we can live our lives the way we were designed to live them.

“Change can be hard. It requires no extra effort to settle for the same old thing. Auto-pilot keeps us locked into past patterns. But transforming your life? That requires courage, commitment, and effort. It’s tempting to stay camped in the zone of That’s-Just-How-It-Is. But to get to really good stuff in life, you have to be willing to become an explored and adventurer.”
John Mark Green