Journey into Transformation and Growth
It’s Time to Reclaim Your Power

It’s Time to Reclaim Your Power

I used to be a victim. A perfect one. I mastered my ability to blame other people and outside circumstances for everything that was happening to me. I was a Pro at victimhood, and I knew best how to interpret life events and people’s actions so I could feel like crap. Miserable and powerless. Unappreciated, unlovable, worthless and fearful. Yes. That was me.  And not that I wanted to feel this way but I chose to feel this way anyway because it put me in a position where I did not have to take responsibility for anything happening in my life, and as a bonus, I could complain and people would listen, sympathize and feel sorry for me.

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Intention is a big deal…

Intention is a big deal…

Life that has no purpose has no direction. It is a life that floats but does not go to a “particular somewhere”. Those who live a life with no purpose, go through the motions. They bounce like a ball, pushed from time to time by people with an agenda. They do not live per se. Instead, they survive. Survival is their only goal. They stop at the small and dare not to be something more than a regular Joe. They roll.

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Reverse-engineer your Life Vision

Reverse-engineer your Life Vision

If you could create a life on your terms, what would it look like? Do you know? Can you see it with your inner eye? How detailed and specific is this vision? Are all the aspects of your life included? Think about it for a moment and then write it down. On top of the page write: My Ideal Life, and then download all the thoughts that come to your mind. Put them on paper. Be fearless, be open-minded, eliminate all limiting thoughts. Remember, the task is to create a vision of your IDEAL life. Such life makes everything possible. That’s how you start.

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How to make it happen…

How to make it happen…

What if I were to tell you that almost everything most of us do in life is a waste of time? Would you agree or would you rather try to argue? Before you answer or get into an argument, ask yourself a question: what is it that I tolerate in my life or regularly do that does neither inspire nor move me forward? Be honest. Make a list. Now ask yourself: why do I do that?

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All starts with Awareness

All starts with Awareness

Let’s start from the beginning. Who are you? What do you desire? Where do you want to go? What is your life purpose? Simple questions yet do we know the answers? Well… we can clearly provide an educated response but how true and authentic is it? To what degree is this an answer that, rather than to your needs, responds to other people’s wants and demands?

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Create the Meaning; Take charge.

Create the Meaning; Take charge.

Life is an art gallery. It is made up of masterpieces but also regular, sometimes poor quality drawings, paintings or sculptures. They depict all the subject matters, all kinds of events, all emotions, all thoughts, all the momentums and complete life stories. Life is a full package, but it is also all you get. It comes in varieties and is far from being boring. And yet, it is never fully defined and final in its expression.

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Acceptance – a shift maker…

Acceptance – a shift maker…

Life changing experiences usually inspire some kind of change. We get a wake-up call and after a moment of shock we take on a life of a baby explorer who puts a first step into the world and then slowly learns how to walk through a jungle of new circumstances and quite a new reality. In situations like that, people frequently reevaluate their whole lives.

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Transformation: good or bad?

Transformation: good or bad?

Transformation … I know exactly how it feels. It comes as an uninvited guest. It simply knocks on your door at the worst possible moment. You open the door hoping that you will scare her away with some smart excuse from the top of your head, but before you even get a chance to open up your mouth, Lady Transformation moves in with all her not-so-Louis-Vuitton luggage.

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Emotional Freedom

Design the Life You Want and Become Emotionally Free


True Meaning

Get Clarity, Uncover the Meaning and Follow the Calling


Coaching for Cancer Patients

Understand, Accept, Transform, Get Your Power Back and Return to Wellness


Be Done with Not-Doing

Stop procrastinating and become a "doer" a "go-getter", a man of action and a perfect planner

Don’t Wait Any Longer.

Redesign Your Life Now!

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