What is Life and Wellness Coaching?

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Life Coaching defined

There are various definitions of life coaching, but all of them share a common foundation. Life coaching is not just a session with the coach. It is a relationship between a client and a coach where the two work diligently together to bring clarity and better understanding into client’s life. It’s a process of self-discovery and learning, filled with aha moments and a joyous feeling of fulfillment. It is also a very creative process in which a client gets to tap into his or her potential while searching for answers to powerful questions. It feels so good and fulfilling, because unlike in daily life, here, the client can focus 100% on himself or herself without being and feeling judged. It is a discovery of Self, life purpose and all that matters in client’s life.

But life coaching does not end here. After discovery comes creation. Client gets to design a new life based on brand new habits and beliefs. A life that is based on client’s personal legend, life purpose and the reason why he/she came to this Earth.

What is Wellness Coaching?

“Wellness is the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort”. That’s just one definition of Wellness that can be found online. Another one defines Wellness as “an active process of becoming aware of and making choices towards a healthy and fulfilling life”.

Once again, there are many definitions of Wellness out there. All of them, however, have the same goal in mind: a life designed around balance in all dimensions.

Following this concept, Wellness coaching is a process that allows you to transform your life into a new quality. It brings together physical, mental and spiritual dimensions and brings the desired balance into your life. It involves a lot of self-discovery and learning which is perhaps the most exciting experience you can possibly have. It helps you become who you are supposed to be. And finally, it designs new habits, beliefs, systems and action plans which make wellness your signature lifestyle. It is all about a healthy mind, body and soul. It helps you uncover your personal legend and live a life that meets your potential on all levels. It teaches you self- love and self-care, the two abilities that literally change your whole life.

Dimensions of Wellness

Wellness coaching is built on Life coaching principles. The two are so close that sometimes clients may feel that they almost blend in. There is a distinction though as Wellness coaching focuses a lot on principles of health, including nutrition, weight loss, exercise routines, proper stress management, spiritual practice, just to name a few. The life coaching part gets also incorporated, since there can be no Wellness without a healthy mindset and a healthy belief system. In that regard, one could think of Wellness coaching as an extension of Life coaching, specializing in all that is healthy.

Wellness coaching has several dimensions. They are best reflected on the Wellness Wheel and can be revised depending on client’s needs. There are however several core dimensions of Wellness which are a foundation of a balanced life. Please take a moment to explore them and see where you are on the Wellness Wheel on a scale from 1 to 10.

Life Coaching v. Therapy

Coaching is not therapy or counseling. It is not mentoring either. Its focus stays on the present and future moments. It does not provide advice or travel to the past like therapy and counseling do. Coaching simply does not revisit the traumas and past events as this is the domain that belongs to therapy and counselling. It may apply some past learning but only to use it towards creative, future solutions. It also has a lot of positive vibes, it simply feels good. It is about designing the life that client identifies with on deeper levels, the life that client wants. It simply has to be optimistic and creative because it works as a tool for uncovering client’s potential. It is also powerful because it gives power back to the client, by acknowledging that client, not the coach, is an expert in the coaching relationship. This approach is a game changer for many. The authority comes from within. A coach is simply a facilitator with useful tools, one who helps clients go back and reconnect with the Source. And although a good advice may sometimes be offered by a coach, it is nevertheless offered in a very mindful and respectful way with no judgment or expectations attached. It is always the client who has a final say in coaching. The client is the boss.

In a Nutshell …

What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is a professional relationship between a client and a coach designed to help the client increase self-awareness, generate learning, and identify and accomplish meaningful goals.

What is the purpose of Life Coaching?

Life coaching helps clients recognize and identify their capabilities and available resources and apply these to their life.

How does it work?

In life coaching, the coach and the client work together to create a deeper awareness and design actions for the client. Coaching focuses on the future desired by the client. It uses a proactive, forward-thinking approach to help clients get there.

Client - coach relationship.

Client and coach are considered equal partners. The coach is not an expert in client’s life but offers tools which client uses to access his or her potential. The client is the expert and knows the answers to all questions.

Life coaching mindset

Life coaching is about growth. It requires an open mind. A mind that is curious, exciting, and non-judgmental. A mind that is a work in progress. Fixed mindset is on the opposite spectrum and slows down the progress.  

How to best approach life coaching?

For the client to get the most out of life coaching sessions, it is critical that he or she remains open throughout the process. Growth  mindset, imagination, authenticity, and willingness to participate are necessary for achieving best results.

Why does life coaching work?

It works because it is all about the client. It is like talking to the mirror where the coach is the mirror. It is about learning,  exploring and self-discovery. It is also about accountability, a key element to success. It also works because it brings results. New beliefs, habits, new systems and action plans, deliver progress. Client sees and feels his/her life gets a new quality. It is being taken to a higher level. And this is exciting and irresistible.

Is life coaching confidential?

Confidentiality is a big part of life coaching as it provides for a safe environment for the client. What happens in life coaching sessions stays between the client and the coach. 

How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?

Life coaching is a creative process aimed at gaining clarity and understanding on who we are and what we want in life. It also provides tools, creates new habits and systems, which make growth and progress possible and create measurable results in people’s lives. 

As such, life coaching is great for people who seek clarity, growth and are ready for change.


Do you feel stuck, lost or confused?

Many of us do, and the reasons frequently come down to some sort of disconnect between the life we have and the life we would like to live. If you feel like you lack progress in your life, if you do not know the direction you want to go, or if you simply feel confused about what it is that you really want, getting clarity may be exactly what you need. Without clarity we do not see well. Our life purpose, our vison for life are covered with a dense fog. If this is how you feel, coaching is definitely a right way to go.

Do you doubt yourself and lack confidence?

Doubt, lack of confidence, often come straight from our belief system. You probably heard the term: limiting beliefs and all those “you’re not good enough, you’re not worth it” messages that don’t neccessairly come from the outside world but instead are constantly being repeated in your own mind? And as they pass through your mind they paralyze you, they mess with your life and make you feel disempowered, weak and unhappy? Well, if this is the case, coaching can definitely help address this state of freeze. It can help redesign your belief system into one that limits you no more.

Do you need clarity on who you are and what you desire in life?

Life without clarity is like living in the darkness. There is no direction, no drive, no sense of purpose. Such a life has no meaning and cannot be experienced as fulfilling and joyful. Clarity is the key. It is the starting point for everything we do in our life. Clarity on who we are and what we desire. Life coaching is an exploration, it is the most satisfying learning experience you can put yourself through. It brings answers to the deepest questions. Its benefits are priceless and serve you on every level. So if you lack clarity, a life coach is your go-to person.

Do you need a plan for your goals?

Sometimes we know what we want, we are clear on our goals and desires, but at the same time we have no clue how to reach our goals. Most of the times when it happens the problem lies in proper planning. Every goal, every dream, needs a plan. Without a plan our dreams are just dreams. They live in the world of imagination. Good planning brings those dreams and goals down to earth. They become reality. Life coaching is excellent for developing good planning practices and plans that really work. It also uses a powerful tool called accountability. It is a secret weapon, a mobilizer, a little ingredient that is a total game changer. Try it for yourself.

Are you ready for change but do not know how to start?

Change is a big deal. We tend to avoid it, because it directly affects our comfort zone. Yet sometimes we know well, that if we do not change, things will get ugly. We know that, because at the end of the day, we are smart species and we have something called an instinct. So we can try to avoid change consciously, but our gut knows better. Sometimes the reason why we do not change is plain and simple: we do not know how and where to start. Change always brings some degree of chaos into our lives and can be a very lonely experience. Partnering with a coach to navigate the stormy waters of change can be a real gift. 

Do you think you waste time and procrastinate?

Procrastination is the worst enemy of human progress. It is all dreams killer and  a real offence to life. And yet we practice it like some sort of religion. Every day, we give up our precious time and send it to the landfill of time waste and procrastination. As if we had infinite number of lives to live. But the truth is, we don’t. So, what shall we do? How can we defeat procrastination? Planning is one of the answers, awareness, knowing yourself and your habits is another. How to get those tools? You guessed it. Life coaching is all about awareness, habit change, planning, tools, new systems and accountability. Living fully and joyfully, growing and progressing should be every human’s religion. Because at the end of the day, Reverence for Life is what you truly want to practice.

How It Works

Schedule a Free 1:1

First coaching session is complimentary. It is designed to help the client and the coach recognize their compatibility. It is also a real experience of life coaching. Have an Agenda ready so you can get the most out of your free session and see if coaching works for you.


Choose a Coaching Plan

The next step is to choose a Coaching Package and a Coaching Plan. You can either chose a Package that is offered or suggest your own Agenda of issues you want to work on. Once you know what it is you want to focus on, decide on a Plan. With the formalities behind you, you are now ready to start redesigining your life.

Reach Your Goals

This is where all the life coaching experience happens. You create a deeper awareness and design actions. You descover, learn and grow. You begin to shift. Your life reshapes. You gain deeper understanding, begin to feel change in real time and eventually, you reach your goals. This, my friends is magic!

6 Week Coaching Plan

- Six 50-minutes coaching sessions (in person or via Skype);
- Between sessions email and text message support;
- Accountability follow-ups throughout the process;
- Between sessions resource assistance;


More Details

This 6-Week Coaching Package includes 6 sessions of coaching via Skype or in person, and must be used in 2 months period. It offers between sessions email and text message support as well as accountability follow-ups which are a key component of a successful life coaching experience. In addition, assistance with identifying and locating best fitting resources is also provided. The after-session support is equally important as it strengthens and solidifies client's progress.

12 Week Coaching Plan

- Twelve 50-minutes coaching sessions (in person or via Skype);
- Between sessions email and text message support;
- Accountability follow-ups throughout the process;
- Between sessions resource assistance;


More Details

This 12 Week Coaching Package includes 12 weeks of coaching via Skype or in person, and must be used in 4 months period. It offers  between sessions email and text message support as well as accountability follow-ups which are a key component of a successful life coaching experience. In addition, assistance with identifying and locating best fitting resources is also provided. The after-session support is equally important as it strengthens and solidifies client's progress.

24 Week Coaching Plan

- Twenty-Four 50-minutes coaching sessions (in person or via Skype);
- Between sessions email and text message support;
- Accountability follow-ups throughout the process;
- Between sessions resource assistance;


More Details

This 24 Week Coaching Package includes 24 sessions of coaching via Skype or in person, and must be used in 8 months period. It offers between sessions email and text message support as well as accountability follow-ups which are a key component of a successful life coaching experience. In addition, assistance with identifying and locating best fitting resources is also provided. The after-session support is equally important as it strengthens and solidifies client's progress.

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