Why Me?

Coaching for Cancer Patients

Back to Wholness, Back to Wellness.

Why Me?

Life Coaching for Cancer Patients 

This coaching Package is especially close to my heart. I am a cancer survivor myself. I have gone through my own cancer experience and know exactly what it can do to you. How painful and cruel it can be. But I also happen to know it as a blessing. I know, it may sound bizarre to call cancer a blessing, but if you had cancer or currently struggle through this disease, a change of perspective, connecting to a new meaning, understanding and accepting, are those elements which can change something unbearable into a totally new experience of empowerment and purpose. When this happens, you begin to look at your experience with hope. And this is when transformation happens and you get the answer to you “WHY?”.

With this coaching Package you will:

  • learn how to mentally and emotionally survive cancer;
  • uncover the Meaning behind the disease;
  • walk the steps of the healing process towards wholeness and wellness;
  • learn how to defeat fear and manage anger, frustration and other negative emotions;
  • learn how to bring more positivity, joy and happiness into your life;
  • take your power back from cancer and find inspiration and empowerment in your experience;
  • learn, understand and use the newly acquired knowledge to grow and build a fulfilling life;
  • design a healthy life in all dimensions;
  • transform from a place of disease into a place of ease and happiness;

“Once you choose hope, anything is possible”

Christopher Reeve 


After the initial phase of shock, anger, disappointment and even sadness, comes acceptance. Acceptance brings internal peace and has an incredible healing effect that cancer patients so desperately need after days or maybe even weeks of emotional struggle caused by cancer diagnosis and treatment. Acceptance is like a warm blanket that covers your tired mind and body and rocks you to sleep. It helps you clear your mind and recover from the misery your mind has been through. It begins the process of recovery and real healing. It is the starting point of transformation. With acceptance we become naturally creative. We gain access to our potential and begin to figure things out. All of a sudden, cancer becomes something else than just a cruel diagnosis.  All of a sudden we realize that we can handle that.


Fear is not real. It is a figment of our imagination that for some strange reason has an incredible power over us. Yet it is not real and most often than not we do not even have evidence to support and validate it. In cancer patients fear comes from how this disease is presented to us. Cancer has a very ugly image created by the black PR. Yes, it is a serious disease, but fear is not going to help fight it. It also takes your energy away from you, the very energy that is so needed to handle the disease in an effective way. 

Why Me?

Uncovering the Meaning behind the disease can have an amazing effect on the healing process. It becomes an inspiration, a purpose, something to live for. It also helps to bring transformation up to speed and defines the direction you want to go. With meaning you get clarity and with clarity you can now begin to redesign your life towards wholeness and wellness.

Why this Package?

You’ve got a diagnosis and you’re terrified. You keep asking questions why, why me, what have I done to deserve this. You face medical treatments that you know for sure will hurt. You feel lost and helpless. Yet it doesn’t have to be this way. How do I know? I’ve been there my friend and I know both the feeling and the experience. Enough time has passed for me to be called a survivor. This is my way of showing how grateful I am for everything that happened and my way of giving back. Let me be your coach.

Or maybe you are already a patient. Fully immersed into the world of medical procedures and treatment. You are brave and committed but you miss clarity, you want to find meaning in this whole experience in order to empower yourself and begin the journey towards wellness. I walked that trail and I know the challenges. I found the meaning behind my disease. Now I can be of service to you. Let me be your coach.

The journey to wholeness and wellness is a journey into awareness and power. It will allow you to tap into your own potential and provide for insights and creative solutions that you never expected to have had. It is a beautiful journey that brings you back to yourself. Through the process of coaching you will gain clarity and understanding. You will be able to approach your disease in a creative and powerful way. You will learn how to use your circumstances as the source of empowerment. You will overcome fear and victim mentality and take charge of your own life. You will design a belief system that will give you full support. You will reconnect with your own wholeness and find your way to wellness in all dimensions.

In no time, cancer will lose its power over you because you will decide so.



“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.”


Don’t Wait Any Longer. Get Your Anwers Now!

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