If you could create a life on your terms, what would it look like? Do you know? Can you see it with your inner eye? How detailed and specific is this vision? Are all the aspects of your life included? Think about it for a moment and then write it down. On top of the page write: My Ideal Life, and then download all the thoughts that come to your mind. Put them on paper. Be fearless, be open-minded, eliminate all limiting thoughts. Remember, the task is to create a vision of your IDEAL life. Such life makes everything possible. That’s how you start.
With this simple exercise, you now have touched on a concept of your ideal life. In a short writing like that, this cannot possibly be a complete vision, not to mention the one that will drive you into action. But it is a good beginning. It has a feeling, a vibe, and ideas of what you consider desirable. Now, for anything to happen, we need to know specifically what it is that we want. General wishes simply cannot be granted as it is the specificity that precedes all actions. The devil, ladies and gentlemen, is in detailed planning. There is no other way. So, how do you start?
Life is not a simple, one aspect kind of story. It is far more complex and colorful. It has themes and categories, such as personal, family, work, friends and more. You know them very well because you live them daily, whether you do it in a conscious well-planned manner, or without any specific direction. No matter how complex though, life can be mapped. It can be organized into various aspects which then can get some strategic planning, a key condition for all the success.
So, let’s go back to your Ideal Life vision. Look at it closely and decide what categories emerge from it. One more time we will be writing everything down. What is in our heads in a form of an idea, does not exist outside of our minds, so yes, it is critical that you put everything down on paper. Map your life by all the main themes that you can identify. Do it in whatever way works for you, be it bullet points, a table or some graphic representation, but make sure that you have clear and relevant categories. Include personal life, romantic relationships, work and career, family, health, finances, people in your life, life-style and anything else that you consider part of your life. Keep working on those categories by including details and setting goals. Be precise. A big life vision can be overwhelming but divided into smaller bites it becomes less scary and far more achievable. Keep it in mind when setting goals. Bite size goals can get you started almost immediately and achieving them will make you fee like you are already on your way towards your Ideal Life.

I hope that you can now see where this exercise is heading. A general vision, broken down into several categories with detailed goals that are achievable. This is the main idea. The bite size goals are a critical part of a bigger picture that can only be reached if those goals are completed. Reversed engineering of your Ideal Life -this is exactly what this exercise does. It makes you plan and think from a perspective of your dream and not the other way round.
Now, here is a little tip. Once you can come up with a vision of your Ideal Life, remember one thing: it is yours, own it! You came up with it. The vision was inside you. No one gave it to you, you created it. It came out of that place inside you that you have total control over. Nobody but you can now make this vision happen. And nobody but you, knows how to do it. Again, the vision is yours and was born from your own potential, a place where everything is possible from your perspective, a place of no limitations. You can tap into it anytime and it will always deliver. Since it is your potential it will always provide you with all that you need. All your needs and wants and dreams have their roots in there and all you have to do is to identify and access them. Limitations, lack of faith in success, fear, lack of confidence are all figments of your imagination. They are not real things and you can overcome them by managing your thoughts properly. Focus is everything, so instead of focusing on disempowering thoughts and things, focus on what makes you feel powerful and mighty. Reverse engineer your Ideal Life Vision. Create a plan with detailed goals and deadlines. Make them as great as you can only think of and then get to work with a sharp focus on all the aspects of your vision. Trust me, your limiting beliefs will stand no chance with your unleashed potential. So, do yourself a favor and do this exercise as if your life depended on it. Because frankly, it does.