Transformation … I know exactly how it feels. It comes as an uninvited guest. It simply knocks on your door at the worst possible moment. You open the door hoping that you will scare her away with some smart excuse from the top of your head, but before you even get a chance to open up your mouth, Lady Transformation moves in with all her not-so-Louis-Vuitton luggage.
And now, you have a roommate. A demanding one with all the characteristics of a fully developed hurricane. A force that turns your life upside down, brings tears and fears … but only in her stormy phase. Because when this phase passes, like all hurricanes do, the sun starts to shine in your life. You get a new understanding, a new perspective, and you shift nicely and smoothly.
For the smooth part to happen, Transformation has to have that power of destruction. Otherwise, it brings no lasting results. To transform, you need to level your whole world down, the whole world as you know it. And then you have to build. Brick after brick, you have to build your new life. The process is usually painful at the beginning. But once you accept it, and begin to cooperate, it turns into one of those fascinating adventures which can be easily made into a bestseller. First an impact, then the process, and finally, new results.
My impact was called breast cancer and it did crash my world. But only for a short moment. After this moment passed, I accepted my disease and embraced the challenge. Being open to change is a big part of the process and so is acceptance. When we resist change or a challenge, we go against the current. Our life is like a river that flows and it only makes sense when we go with it. This is how we reach destinations, whatever they may be. This is how we experience that miracle called life. And trust me, there is no greater and more fulfilling way to actually live.
On that note however, I need to say that it is not completely out of our control which way we will eventually go. In fact, the river of life frequently splits into new rivers of potential. Think of it as a Delta. The options are numerous. So yes, here you have a choice, the power to decide which way to go, and as long as you decide to go with the flow, and not against the current, you will be good. It is that going against the current that will take you to nowhere.
When I think of transformation I think of evolving into something positive and usually much bigger and better. It is an upgrade on all levels. You go from larvae into a butterfly. You get out of the cocoon and spread the most beautiful wings into the sky. It is freeing and blissful and makes you into a better being. You become a better version of yourself and when you realize that, you become humble. You raise your awareness and take responsibility for your life, because now you know that there is so much more to look forward to. You transformed into that new life and you want to participate in it fully, because now you understand how precious and good it is.
Transformation is work. Sometimes hard, hard work. But here you are your own boss and your own employee, and there are no excuses. So it is your choice… you can throw Lady Transformation out the door or let her do her work so you can evolve into a better you.